Last year this blog had fallen in the dark pit that most of us writers experience at least once, or thirty plus times in our writing-lifetime; no new writing was being done!
I won't make excuses, because it's really not the end of the world. I will, however, make more posts!
Moving forward. We'll have some posts that should have been out last year done for this year and I'm going to (if they approve this) share the podcast links from this fantastic group who does commentary on books and the movie adaptations that are done with them.
The reason why I want to expand they type of posts we do is because we haven't been including enough reading. Reading is so essential to good writing.
It inspires you. It makes you remember why you want to write in the first place.
It's good research. We need to know what's out there and why it is or isn't doing well.
I use to think that the best path for me would be to pursue a higher education in writing, but it really needs to be a continuous education in reading, in English, in breaking down why we write what we write, what it's saying about us socially, and why we connect so much with the stories that are most popular (and also, I might need to join a writers anonymous run on sentence group).
My main point in the many points I just made is that we need to acknowledge what's out there on the market, and explore it. Even if you hate a book, if it's been successful there's something you can take from that.
Now, don't mistake this as I want to make money. I don't, I want to make readers.
They say you're suppose to write for yourself but I don't want to only do that, I want to write for the world.
Did you hear that crash? I think my soapbox just crushed beneath the weight of all that philosophical...
You get the point. We'll be talking about writing and READING in 2013 and you'll love it!
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