Monday, June 13, 2011

June Meeting: Mad-Lib Round Robin Extravaganza


This month instead of doing a genre workshop, we're going to play a game! (Everyone must thank Doug at our next meeting, I would have made us mandanely do the same'o same'o every month :)
Below are different categories. You're job is to name different things that correspond with each one. Write them on separate pieces of paper so they can be ripped up and put into different buckets. That's all the info you get! Come to the meeting this Friday at 7pm (Schuler's Book and Cafe on Alpine) to find out more...

1. character name

2. character type (EX: tall, mean stinky ogre; witch; anal-retentive accountant; farmwife; pirate; bumbling lawyer)

3. a specific place (EX: Chicago; intersection of Division and Fulton; Traitor's Gate at the Tower of London; Golden Gate Park),

4. general locale (EX: cave, basement, cruiseship, UFO, park, desert),

5. creature (EX: animal or sub-humanoid--real, from author's imagination or mythological/fantasy/sci fi-based)

6. object (a prop for the character to interact with)

7. goal/motivation for the character.

Good Luck!

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