Thursday, October 14, 2010

Writing Prompt: Bumblebee Conflict Challenge

A few members and I thought it would be fun to have an optional prompt that writers could work on during the time leading up to the monthly meeting. This prompt is meant to be a fun way to get the creative juices flowing and is not limited to the instructions below. If you want to do a spin off of from the prompt, or even create your own. FEEL FREE! This is meant to be fun not a chore!

Also: Anyone who isn't going to be able to attend the meetings but would like to participate in the prompt and share it feel free to post a comment to this link!

Happy writing!!
Bumblebee Conflict Challenge:

Write a short piece; poem; drama; or non-fiction piece that contains conflict with Bumblebees. This could be anything; a war between hives; a political dispute with the Queen Bee; or anything you can come up with. Maybe their are bumble bee riders that are waging garden territory wars. Just write without editing and see where you pen takes you.

Genre Instructions:

Poetry: try doing this prompt as if you were writing a children's book with Rhyming dr. sues like lines. Or come up with your own line/rhyme scheme.

Fiction: Google the inner workings of a Beehive or Bee's themselves and use these details in your piece.

Non-Fiction: Ever got stung? Re-write that memory with an elaborate fantasy section where the narrator completely over reacts or has some wild version of what really happened.

Drama: Create a short play where the actors are Bee's. Include, an elaborate plot, devious villains, and of course heart-wrenching romance.

Note: When you're working on this month's writing prompt remember that you can use the web as a tool. Google things, look at pictures, look at different writing formats and styles. The biggest mistake a writer makes is that they feel all the writing has to come from their own brain. The idea is original but don't limit the piece or yourselves.
Group Meeting:!/event.php?eid=133886269995519
Link to FB Discussion Board:!/topic.php?uid=337243015769&topic=35390

1 comment:

  1. I love this prompt idea. I'm excited for it.
